Featured on this page are my digital (2D) animations, physical (stop motion & paper cut-out) animations and short films. My animation showreel is located on the "Demo Reels" page.
Digital 2D Animation
"Daisy" - 2D animation
"Tonight" - 2D animation
"June Blinking" - 2D animation
"Brutus" - 2D animation
"Metamorphosis"- 2D animation
"You Rebel Against Him" - Rotoscope animation
"good evening sum sin" - 2D animation
"Squishy Cat" - 2D animation
"Heaven Says" - 2D animation & motion tween
"swimming pool" - 2D animation & motion tween
"No" - 2D animation
"The Pretender" - 2D animation & motion tween
Physical Animation
"The Abandoned Cat-sle" - stop-motion animation
"Daily Ritual" - paper cut-out animation